
Finch by Piper Scott
Finch by Piper Scott

Richard Rutter, John Nadeau, Ulf Aagerup & Fiona Lettice (2020) “The Olympic Games and its branded sponsors: Brand personality and positioning with associative sponsorship,” Internet Research, 30(1), 85-107. Gashaw Abeza, Norm O’Reilly, David Finch, Benoit Seguin & John Nadeau (2020) “The Role of Social Media in the Co-Creation of Value in Relationship Marketing: A Multi-Domain Study,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(6), 472-493.

Finch by Piper Scott

Norm O’Reilly, Gashaw Abeza, Andy Fodor, Eric MacIntosh, John Nadeau, Lane MacAdam, Gary Pasqualicchio, Mark Dottori, Heather Lawrence (accepted) “Impact Studies in Sport: The Development of an Assessment Process Model,” Sport, Business, Management: an International Journal.

Finch by Piper Scott

John Nadeau, Leslie Wardley & Alexander Dorohoi (accepted) “Justice Motivation Theory in Sustainable Home Purchases,” International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis. John Nadeau, Richard Rutter & Fiona Lettice (accepted) “Social Media Responses and Brand Personality in Product and Moral Harm Crises: Why Waste a Good Crisis?” Journal of Marketing Management.

Finch by Piper Scott